Ab​out Oleum ​Technology

Oleum Technology, LLC is an environmentally advanced oil field services provider that owns the global rights (exclusive of Ecuador and Venezuela) to a proprietary intelligent technology that greatly improves the production of crude in pumped wells known as System of Integrated Production (SIP).Oleum Technology is comprised of highly experienced oilfield production experts, software engineers, environmental safety engineers and business veterans, whose combined leadership and multidisciplinary skills position SIP to increase the production of crude in global markets, all while minimizing the environmental impact of production.

Key Executives

James Hatch - Managing Partner, President & CFO
Mr. Hatch leads Oleum’s Global Financial and Operational efforts as President and CFO. Mr. Hatch’s pre-Oleum experience includes founding and leading two global software companies. He was an audit manager at Deloitte, a managing partner leading consulting practices at Ernst & Young, Arthur Andersen and PwC, as well as, a Practice Leader at Towers Perrin. He was the Assistant Controller of the Northern Trust Bank in Chicago. He is a Certified Public Accountant, holding a B.S. in Operations Management and an MBA in Finance.

Anthony Robert Elia - Chief Operating Officer
Mr. Elia has over 30 years of experience in large project management, including multi-million-dollar real estate developments throughout New York State. Mr. Elia has directed the global operations and administration for Oleum for over 5-years, with responsibilities that encompass the role of comptroller, human resource management and management of manufacturing. 

Robert T. Sakowitz, Lead Business Development Consultant 
Mr. Sakowitz is responsible for Oleum’s key oil industry relationships and current customer roster of major Texas oil producers. Mr. Sakowitz has worked with both international energy companies and supply-chain organizations and has chaired the Maritime Sub-Committee of the Bay Area Houston Economic Partnership (BAHEP), and several Greater Houston Partnership (GHP) Trade Development Councils and their Global Cities Initiative. Along with his role with Oleum, Mr. Sakowitz is President and CEO of Hazak Corporation, Houston, Texas, a corporate consulting company for strategies, marketing, and business development with multi-industry and multi-national companies. Among many the high-profile former roles he has held, Mr. Sakowitz was Chairman, President, and CEO of Sakowitz, Inc. chain of retail stores and catalogue business located in the Southwest of the U.S. and has served on the Boards of Directors of The Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, Texas (Houston Branch Chairman 1985), and the Board of Directors of Continental Air Lines. 

Luis Boscan - CTO & Chief Engineer
Mr. Boscan supervises Oleum’s installations around the world and is responsible for managing Oleum’s specialized engineering teams. Mr. Boscan was trained by the inventor of Oleum’s SIP Technology and has a degree in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering. He has held past roles as a senior engineer at Brit Energy, Maxi Oil & Gas de Venezuela, and Petroleos de Venezuela.\

Edward Schumacher-Matos ​-  Chairman, Senior Operations and R&D Consultant
Mr. Schumacher’s effective leadership has been proven by Oleum’s recent success. Mr. Schumacher has leveraged his oil industry connections and experience on behalf of the company. He is an oil industry analyst and an international executive expert in digital strategies and oil policy. Mr. Schumacher has taught globalization trends and digital strategies at Harvard, Columbia and Tufts’ Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. He founded and ran the Latin American edition of The Wall Street Journal. 

Jose Mejias - Colombia Country Manager, Chief Software Engineer

Global Operations Management Team

Edison Gil - Senior Control Room Engineer - Houston
Margarita Contreras - Oil Field Technician - Midland

Manufacturing Partner

SIP Technology FZC - UAE, www.sip-t.com

- Rahul Grover - Operations Manager

Legal & Finance 

USA: Legal - Wilk Auslander  www.wilkauslander.com
USA: David M. Barrett, CPA/Partner - Schulman Lobel LLP  www.schulmanlobel.com
COLOMBIA: Legal  www.araujoibarra.com
MEXICO: Legal - Jauregui y Del Valle   www.jaureguiydelvalle.com
MEXICO CPA: Marcos y Asociados  www.marcos.com.mx
Partners & DistributorsColombia  www.alkhorayef.com
NigeriaRonex International with AOS Orwell Ltd.
Black Sea, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan  www.interoil-group.com
Kuwait  www.global-smartech.com
Austria, Germany, Romania, Maghreb States, CIS StatesFurore Holding & Consult SRL
Oman www.rockoman.com